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(Margit Kresin May 28, 2020)​

Get ready! Now the time has come!

​ The seals are gradually broken;

the trumpets sound loud and clear.

It's time get ready.


Go on your knees; knock and it will be opened to you.

Repent - repent, purify yourself

and get dressed - your wedding robe.


You are loved - I call to you:

Come to me - no, run - run!

I would like to finally have you

close in my arms.


There's still time, get ready.

get on your knees worship me

call to me:


Jesus, get me out of here -

deliver me, deliver me from all evil.

forgive me my guilt

Lord I beg you -

get me out of here, save me

deliver me from all evil.

Jesus, you died for me;

for me and my sins.

Forgive me Lord, forgive.

I give you my life


I will forgive you!

So run, so run, come to me

pray and beg me; i will forgive you


I will lead you on the right path to the fatherland

and to eternal life.

I take you by my hand

I'll carry you when you can't anymore.

I will take you to the promised land.


The moment you gave me your life

have you become

God's adopted child;

You became,

a very special and beloved royal child.

God's spirit will fill you

you will sing with joy

you will praise God and praise it from the bottom of your heart.


HE is your God.

HE is the only true God.

HE is your heavenly and eternal Father.

He loves you through and through

just like me, the one for you

took EVERYTHING upon himself and died on the cross.


I love you -

come to me feel hugged

feel empowered.

stay close to me and i promise you

we will be united from now on

go through life together.


I love you!


Love your Jesus Christ

Yeshua ha Mashiah


(Jesus says: I am the way and the truth and the life;

no one comes to the Father but through me. John 14:6)

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