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I am God's child

Writer's picture: Margit KresinMargit Kresin

I often think about the sentence “I am God's child” and then the question arises, what does this actually mean? The term is normally used in Christian contexts. Have you ever really become aware of what it actually means to be God's child and how one can become a child of God? The thought of being God's child makes my heart warm and I feel infinitely secure.

You are a child of God. You belong to God. You are a son or a daughter of God. (For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:26, KJV). This means that you are not of this world, because you belong in the heavenly world of God. There is your home and to put it more clearly, God YHWH is your ABBA or your papa. Your identity card says that you are a child of the Most High. WOW! Thinking about this truth is so releasing.

The question is whether everyone is automatically a child of God or whether we have to do something for it. No, not everyone has a right. Jesus (Yeshua) alone gave you the right to become a child of God. You can accept this as truth and accept it for yourself. If you believe in the name of Jesus (Yeshua) and what he did for you on the cross (stake), then only do you have the right to be a child of God.

Our sin, which has existed since Adam and Eve, separated you from the filiation of God just like me. If you too accept Jesus as your Messiah, or your Savior and follow his path, you can step before your heavenly Father free from sin and guilt and thank him for preparing this path for you so that you can again step before Him as a child of God.

Jesus accomplished everything and overcame sin and evil. He does not force anyone to follow him and his path to God, but he offers us a new identity. Jesus offers you and me to become children of God. This is the greatest gift he gives us. You can accept or refuse the gift. It is your choice.

I have accepted the gift and feel how God's Father's heart beats in me, how He transforms me through His Holy Spirit, how He makes me more and more like Jesus, my bridegroom.

Jesus gave me the right to become a child of God. (Jn 1, 12-13) The word right means authority, privilege, permission, the right to do something. It is full of strength, skills, competencies, and freedom. I am free from Satan's machinations. I am no longer bound to sin, but I can stand up against him and his mischief in all authority. Jesus informed us: “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”(Luke 10:19; KJV)

“Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loves him that begat loves him also that is begotten of him.” (1.Joh 5: 1, KJV) We can rejoice through Jesus, because God the Father has revealed and shown us His love. We can call ourselves children of God, even if the world still does not recognize this: “Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knows us not, because it knew him not.” (1 John 3: 1, KJV)

When you become a child of God, you become transformed. You are born again. This reminds me of the metamorphosis of a butterfly. The caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. Often you will be overtaken by old thought patterns, but keep telling yourself: I am a child of God. I am free. I am allowed to live. I am a new creation. I don't have to live the way I used to. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”(2 Corinthians 5:17, KJV) You are ONE spirit with Jesus. You are fused. He shares his eternal life with you. You are in Christ and Christ is in you after the blood of Jesus has completely cleansed you. As a purified creature, you may stand before Almighty, Eternal God and His Son Yeshua and call to Him:

Thank you my beloved ABBA. Thank you for my redemption through Jesus. Thank you for my new identity as your child.

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