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Trust and persevere! (Psalm 37) Message from our heavenly and eternal - October 30, 2020

Writer's picture: Margit KresinMargit Kresin

My Child!

I know what you are going through and suffering because I hear your prayers and calls for help. Each of you has different needs: one of you has existential fears, the next one feels left alone; the one or the other wants to see his friends and maintain his social contacts, yet others are sick and hope for healing, while others are hungry as they can no longer find work or food.

I understand your needs. Read Psalm 37 carefully. It speaks about a time like this and gives you guidance.

Trust in ME JHWH. I am your God and Father. Trust me and do well. Live in the land and be faithful. Command ME, JHWH, your way. I will accomplish it.

I will make your righteousness rise like light and your justice like the bright noon. Persevere! Wait for MY intervention. Stand from anger and let the wrath go. Do not be angry! Only evil arises from it.

Only a short time more, the wicked will be no more. I am about to purify the earth.

Remain meek! Remain humble! The meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.

Remain merciful! Remain just! Keep MY word and MY law (Torah) in your heart so you will not waver and stray from the path.

· I, the LORD, watch over you.

· Wait upon ME.

· Keep MY way.

· Yeshua shows you the way to me.

· The salvation of the righteous comes from ME, your LORD.

· I am your refuge in time of trouble.

· I, the LORD your God, will stand by you and save you.

· Take refuge in ME.

· You may feel safe and secure with ME.

· Command ME, your way and trust in silence.

· Wait for MY intervention.

· Be patient and remain courageous, hold out and wait for the end of the distress.

Persevere means for you to stay in your place or in your home, despite all unpleasant circumstances you should stay and wait until the danger has passed. If you have to leave your shelter, take the necessary precautions such as washing and disinfecting your hands, wearing a protective mask, keeping your distance and remember to air your room regularly.

Wait eagerly for MY intervention.

I alone am the eternal and almighty God, who saved you through the sacrifice of my son Yeshua (YAHshua).

Please follow MY instructions, keep a low profile, and cover yourself.

In love your


Post Scriptum

Before the exodus from Egypt, the Israelites experienced MY protection through the sacrificed Passover lamb and the blood that was distributed on their doorposts. The Israelites waited in their homes until the danger of the angel of death was banished. Jesus is your sacrificial lamb and the blood on the doorpost of your heart, but I ask you to seek shelter in MY sanctuary.

The end times will be like the days of Noah, Moses, and Joshua. History will repeat itself, but you will not have as much time as the people of that time. Everything will happen in quick succession. Follow and trust ME completely, keep MY commandments, persevere without murmuring, and put yourselves under MY protection.

(Psalm 91; Psalm 37; Psalm 9)

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