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Under the sun,

under the sea

under the sun, under the sea,

is there a soul like yours

that please me.

your heart beats to me,

they worship me

Day and night.

They praise and praise Me.

Along with all the angels

join in the praise.

i am the creator

the sky and the earth

And they want to proclaim this to the whole world.

Every little animal, every little flower bears witness to me,

but the people have closed themselves

mean that I don't exist

looking for the light

looking for something

but refuse to see me as their maker.


"Enough is enough!"

- The warnings are out,

I keep calling out:

"Repent, turn back!

Turn back to Me!”

I love you and will you

forgiven for Jesus' sake.

He is the savior.

he is the savior

your shepherd - follow him,

stay on the path;

sings, praises and praises,

sing to him to the Lord of lords

and joins in the song of praise of creation.


With love your father

(Margit Kresin © 21.8.2019)

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