Washing, purification and sanctification
Peace be with you! Go out in my peace and follow my way for I am the way. I take you by my hand and lead you to our father's house. I am your bridegroom! Don't get confused. “Even if an army camps against me, my heart is not afraid; if war arises against me, I am also confident. ”- Ps 27: 3 Do not be afraid. Be of good cheer. I am not letting go of you. You are mine Nothing and nobody can separate you from my love. From now on it is particularly important that you get cleaned DAILY. My temple = your heart, must be pure and without spots and bleishes.
Those who have to listen, listen to what the spirit has to say! Purify yourselves! - Repent. Clean your apartment! - Do away with all Baals and evil spirits, turn away from idols. Purify your land! - Turn to me and worship me. Your King is coming soon! Put aside all evil: cleanse yourselves of your guilt - repent - get ready - wash your clothes. Open the door, the gate opens wide. The Lord of Glory is coming!
Wash yourselves, clean yourself and your clothes.
Allow my purification of fire and my spirit. Get on your knees and let the Holy Spirit show you where there are still points that you need to fix.
Let yourselves be sanctified by my spirit, because I can only come when you have purified yourselves and are ready to greet me.
The bright morning star has risen. Hosanna on high. Clear the way for your king so that he can enter your gates with splendor and glory. Purify yourselves, for the coming kingdom is near!
Time is up. The end is near.
I call many to me at an early stage, because a difficult time is ahead of you.
Others stay on site, but do not be afraid. There are special believers, who have been and will be prepared by me, who will lead the remnant through the difficult times to come. The time of tribulation is already here.
Do not be afraid! Even if everything seems hopeless, I'm there. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and listen to the voices of my prophets. Since way in this regard.
Be of good cheer even if war rises against you or you can no longer buy anything.
Be of good cheer, because I am with you. My stick and staff comfort you. I lead and guide you; I care for you as a shepherd cares for his sheep - he does not abandon any of his sheep.
I lead you to our heavenly Father.
Hold on to the word.
Remain steadfast in prayer.
Strengthen your faith daily.
Men and women of God, stand up and prepare for the battle ahead. Put on your armor (Eph 6) and prepare weapons from the plowshares. My people are in great need. Get ready to fight the battle of the righteous. (Ps 37) But wait for my intervention and my orders. Just do what you see me do. Follow my orders and instructions exactly and complete the orders quickly. Follow me and not chimneys.
Stay brave and strong!
Stay brave and strong!
Stay brave and strong!
Be brave!
In love Your Lord Jesus Christ