Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The new biblical year began on March 22, 2023. The new year begins with the awakening of spring.
IMPORTANT: The biblical calendar date begins with sunset of the previous day. So all holidays start as specified the night before. We can clearly see this in Genesis. "Then evening and morning became ... day." (Genesis)
We are writing the first month right now in March 2023, i.e. the month of Nisan. He is also known by the name Abib. At the time of the Second Temple, and thus also at the time of Yeshua's First Coming, the sighting of the first crescent moon after the full occultation of the moon was the method used to determine the beginning of the month.
The following spring festivals will take place in the next three months:
The New Year's festival actually begins with the change of seasons or Spring Festival, which falls on the 31st of the month. On the 1st of the first month we celebrated the new year. Annotation. In the Jewish calendar (also known as the civil calendar, the year begins with the Feast of Trumpets Yom Terua or Rosh Hashanah on the 31st of the seventh month (Tishri)
Pesach (Passover) on 5th April 2023 or 6th of April 2023. The Seder evening or the Lord's Supper always takes place on the 4th day of the week (always on Wednesday evening).
In the evening after the Passover festival, the high holiday begins, namely the festival of unleavened bread (Chag ha-Mazzot). Matzo is eaten during this time. Chag ha-Mazzot is observed like a Sabbath and no work is allowed. He reminds us of the exodus from Egypt and for us followers of Yeshua of the day he died, Good Friday. Jesus gave his body for us and reminds us that he is the bread of life. (John 6:35)
The Feast of Unleavened Bread lasts for seven days from the evening of April 6th to the evening of April 14th, 2023. (14th-21st of the first month)
On the first day of the week (= Sunday) also falls the Feast of the Firstfruits., Chag HaBikurim this year it falls on April 9, 2023 (begins on the evening of April 8, 2023). In Lev 23:9-14 the offering of the First fruits is explained in detail. When the harvest was in, a sheaf of firstfruits was brought to the priest, which he waved before the Lord. This celebration is a sign of resurrection, with Jesus being the first to be bodily resurrected as firstfruits and presented to God. (1 Cor 15:20-21:23) It signifies the newness of life (Rom 6:4). The Feast of Resurrection and the Feast of Firstfruits fall on the same day. According to 2 Cor 4:14, there are three mysteries behind this feast: a) resurrection of the spirit (Ezek 11:19) b) resurrection of the soul (Phil 2:12) c) resurrection of the body (Job 19:26-27)
After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he showed himself to the disciples on not only on the first day of resurrection, but also on other days. Then on the fortieth (40) day he ascended into heaven to reign there at God's right hand. It always falls on a Thursday (5th day of the week). Ascension day is also known as 2Father's day in a number of countries. (see Blog post). Good Friday, the day of resurrection, and Ascension day are the three special Christian festivals that end after 50 days with Pentecost. In a way, these festivals stand for the stages of the "exaltation" of Jesus Christ, namely on the cross (stake) (John 3:14), in the resurrection, in the ascension and in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). Ascension Day is therefore to be understood as a moment in a movement that began on Good Friday and only reaches its goal on Pentecost - in accordance with the words of Jesus in John 16:7: "It is good for you that I am going away. For unless I go away, the Comforter [the Holy Spirit] will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.”
Shavuot (Pentecost or Festival of Weeks begins at sunset on Thursday, May 25, 2023 and ends at nightfall on Saturday, May 27, 2023. Pentecost falls on the 6th of Sivan, or the 6th of the third month. "Shavuoth" takes place 50 days after the Passover festival. It is the day to commemorate the revelation of God on Mount Sinai and the reception of the Ten Commandments as well as the festival of the first fruits Fifty days after the first sheaf was sacrificed, a festival was celebrated to mark the end of the grain (wheat) harvest. The festival is called the Festival of Weeks (Hebrew shavuot), Pentecost or from the Greek pentecost (fifty). To celebrate the festival, the men traveled to Jerusalem. On this day the book of Ruth is read, which is about a Moabite (all strangers that do not belong to the people of Israel) bride who put her whole trust in the God of Israel. This is also the day when the 120 men and women where baptized with the Holy Spirit in the Upper room.
As you can see, our Christian holidays are closely linked to the feasts of the Bible and God's timetable.
You can find out more about the festivals and God's biblical calendar on my website under the following link
I wish you a blessed first season. May this spring awaken you to new life.